Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Pup, pup, goose?

On our walk in the park this weekend we walked up upon this..

It was just hanging out by the creek. We checked it out for a bit and moved on.
Wondered if it was lost from the rest of it's flock. Odd to see one Canadian goose by itself.

We saw this creature too by the creek, liked it's pretty colors.

We love the park!


  1. Cool - that's an ebony jewel wing, I think! They are beautiful!

  2. cool pics - yes very odd that it was all by itself - maybe it was sick or lost

    Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ

  3. WOW, what a interesting park you have nearby :o)


  4. Wowsers that looks neat. Did the goose try to chase yoo?

    Essex & Deacon
