Sunday, August 23, 2009

Frolicking in the creek

Had another great weekend. We went to the park today as usual, but we had some extra fun. We walked down by the creek at a part we usually don't walk past. We discovered that there was a path way down to the creek, so we explored. Did a little frolicking in the creek. We had fun!!

Poor Lilly cat had to go to the vet this weekend for her yearly check up. She did really well, but they had to take blood from her and she got a shot. So, we were extra nice to her this weekend.

Mom bought her a new catnip toy, because she was such a good kitty. Not sure why we couldn't play with it, but mom kept telling us to give it back to Lilly.

The toy was a dog named "dofus dog". Hum, was this kitty's idea of irony?

Abby was trying to help mom fold the laundry. She is such a good girl!


  1. sounds like a great weekend - some walkeis by the water - and helping mommy around the gouse

    Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ

  2. What a great weekend. Glad that Lilly got on alright at the vets.
    ~lickies, Ludo

  3. That creek sure looks like fun. Love the picture of Aiden giving Lilly the eye.

    Essex & Deacon

  4. that creek looks pretty nice. I would keep that on my list of favorite
    places. I went to a big doggie event last weekend, there was water there too!
    your pal, Morgan
