Monday, October 12, 2009

Road Trip!! Part 2

Along with enjoying the beach, we got to stay in a hotel for the first time. We did really well, and behaved. Moms were really proud. We rode the elevator like pros, even saw other dogs! Here we thought we were the only ones in the hotel! We helped moms get Starbucks in the hotel lobby. The man at the sliding doors seem to love us, he petted us when we came in and out. We made ourselves at home in the hotel room.

Sheltie wake up call!

Checking out the surf.

Morning stretches on the balcony.

We even played with our new toy in the room!

Ready for another stay!!


  1. Lucky dogs! Oreo & Misty had their first hotel stay last week too. If only room service served some nice home made dog treats....

  2. Looks like so much fun - lounging on the bed, stretching on the balcony with the sound of the waves in the background - lucky dogs!

  3. You two are sooo cute!!! Can't believe you got to stay in a hotel?!?!? How lucky, what was it like, bet there were alot of sniffs to sniff, bol!!! I love your blog and all your pictures, looking forward to following you two on all your adventures!!!
    lotsa licks,
