Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Abby the dog, Crate Bling and miscellaneous stuff

We are watching Westminster with mom tonight. Well, more like we are napping now after fighting over the same bone, and mom is watching it. We did enjoy the sheltie last night in the herding group, but think that the collie should have really won. At least the pekingese didn't win this year, is that really a dog?

Abby had lost her name tag with her address somewhere last week. Well today, she got mail! Someone was kind enough to return it to her. Addressed to: Abby the dog.

At least it was just her name tag and not Abby that was lost! Luckily next week we are getting a fence - yeahhhhhhh!!

Mom thinks she is funny putting this bling on our crates:

Abby's diva den. She is the only one who wears the crown.

Aiden's naughty nook. Kiss him and he turns into a prince.

Why is it there are 20 bones on the floor, but we both want the same one?


No bones on the floor here! Boo!


  1. I most say that it's some nice bling on our crates....where have your mom bought the bling?? Nice people living near you....sending your name-tag return to your mom :o) Now your mom have saved some money....there had to be extra bones to you two ;o)


  2. So happy to hear that you are getting a fence! That was the best investment we ever made at our house! Abby and Aiden will have so much fun romping around together.

    What nice people to return the name tag! Must be a fellow dog lover....

  3. love the crate bling! Now I want some..
    your pal, Morgan

  4. Gee, we don't have any bling on our crates. Dad gave us the you are nuts look. Guess we will have to settle for a couple extra treats.

    Essex & Deacon
