Monday, March 23, 2009

Abby the Assassin's Wrestling Tips

We had a pretty good weekend. Weather was nice, so we spent most of it outside. Mom was working in the garden again, and we helped a bit with digging and redistributing the tan bark. In between our gardening duties, we found some time to do some friendly wrestling.

Abby thinks her technic for putting her brother Aiden in a headlock should be studied for it's perfect form:

pin him down

go for the complete headlock by putting your hind legs into the fur grab

while he is down, make sure to tickle him for full affect

always be on the defense, and don't let him get a leg up, er in the mouth

Aiden says...I let her win. How else can I have some fun?

We saw a new bird at the park this weekend. A tree swallow. From our research, this is one of the first swallows to migrate back during spring. New bird to us! This one followed up through the park for quite a while!

We also saw a tufted titmouse

No squirrels though, sorry Morgan!


  1. Nice headlock Abby! Misty also puts Oreo on the ground too - and he loves every minute.

    Great photos!

  2. Abby you're a pro wrestler for sure!

    Nice bird sightings! I haven't seen any tree swallows yet this year.

  3. Nothing better than an outdoor wrestling match on a sunny day! Well done, Abby :)

  4. Of course you let her win Aiden. Boys always win girls. BOL!
    ~lickies, Ludo
